Coffee Consulate is a natural scientific, independent training and research center. In addition to various one-day workshops, which can also be bundled, it offers individually designed training for the coffee industry as well as coffee suppliers (hotels, restaurants, coffeeshops, bakeries, etc.). The most complex program training as a Coffeologist, which includes 12 different workshops and represents the entire value chain from the bean to the cup. In addition Coffee Consulate offers several days of roasting workshops, bar training, sensor and cuptaster training courses. All trainings can also be combined later and combined into a training block. We are constantly developing new programs and offering special workshops with special themes and various internationally recognized speakers.

Furthermore, research and development projects represent an important area of Coffee Consulates activity for the industry. We are thus continually gaining further and deeper insights into all areas of the coffee market and thus ensuring that we are always able to offer training based on state-of-the-art scientific knowledge.

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The idea is about “Single Estate terrace Coffee" It is our long years of friendship with farmers that produced the idea of single estate terrace coffees: coffees harvested and processed by individual fields in order to preserve their unique and unmistakable flavour profiles. 

as with wine, the terroir and its microclimate, hydrology, insolation, soil composition and the altitude of the planted coffee variety play a significant role in forming the taste of the coffee. these terroir factors that can also be described as the “home” of the coffee are complemented by the influences of the harvest and processing, factors that can be regarded as the “signature” of the farmer. these combined create one-off, unique single estate terrace coffees.

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The Coffee Store is a successful coffee franchise in Germany which runs on a unique specialty model. Unlike any typical coffee chain, they stand out for high-quality and completely transparent coffees. Discover more about coffee in a whole new way on their website and packaging. Find out exactly where your favourite coffee comes from, how it was grown and harvested, and what contributes to its unique flavours. 

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