International Coffee Convention 2023

We are honoured to have been invited as speakers at the International Coffee Convention (ICC) in Mannheim, Germany. This conference addresses the global challenges confronting the coffee industry, including issues related to climate change, consumption, sustainability, and digitalisation.
One of the topics we discussed at the ICC revolves around the Liberica Refinement Project in Long Banga and Long Balang, Sarawak. This project places significant emphasis on improving quality, promoting sustainability, empowering local communities, ensuring transparency, and expanding market access. Additionally, we presented our on-going research of a new sensory lexicon for appreciating Liberica coffee.
While Liberica coffee constitutes less than 2% of global coffee production, it accounts for a substantial 87% of coffee cultivation in Malaysia. It is crucial for international coffee experts to acknowledge the unique and vital role that Malaysia, particularly Sarawak, plays in global coffee production.
To support our ongoing research efforts, the organisers thoughtfully arranged a cupping session. This allowed us the opportunity to present 10 distinct Liberica varieties from Sarawak, as well as My Liberica from Johor, each processed in different ways. The response from the experts in attendance appears to have been overwhelmingly positive.
Our sincere appreciations go to Coffee Consulate for hosting and inviting us to the ICC, our fellow Liberica growers from Long Banga, Long Balong, and Uma Bawang. We would also like to express our special appreciation to FAMA, Wendy Luta and Diana Jitam from the Department of Agriculture Sarawak for their invaluable support.