Colin Harmon Talks about Nuova Simonnelli & Victoria Arduino (March 15, 2015)

It was a great experience for Earthlings Coffee Workshop to be part of the exclusive event by Dankoff, presenting the four-time Irish barista champion Colin Harmon. He also came as part of his team at Nuova Simonnelli and Victoria Arduino.

Knowledge in specialty coffee is vast and ever-growing. Colin was not there to teach us how to make coffee like a champion, instead he gave an inspiring presentation that is profoundly relevant to baristas and specialty cafe owners. The bigger picture.

What we would like to share, in summary, of his presentation is that a cup of coffee comes a long way. As demands for specialty coffee skyrockets, quality consistency, wastage, and sustainability of coffee becomes more pivotal to the entire specialty coffee industry.

The key lies in how we approach the technologies of coffee machines and those who use them. Most espresso machines follow the line of traditional espresso and are not truly designed for specialty coffee-making, as ground-breaking research in this field is rare and expensive.

Colin and his team of coffee experts (among them, many world barista champions), have spent years working behind the latest technologies, including those built into the Mythos One grinder and Black Eagle Espresso Machine (the latest appointed machine for World Barista Championship). With profound understanding and experience in specialty coffee extraction, they know better than most on how to provide precise manipulation and repeatability in these machines to counter realistic problems faced by end-users for many years.

We are also proud to announce that Earthlings Coffee Workshop has become the official dealer for both Nuova Simonnelli and Victoria Arduino of Sarawak. We are happy to explain further about their entire range of products upon inquiry.

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